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Monday, November 19, 2012

All About Style

     When you do something with style, you express your personality. Each of us, as an individual, have different tastes in clothing, décor, favorite activities and more. Here are some books that celebrate our differences and our similarities.

     The Truth about Style, written by Stacy London, the co-host of TLC’s What Not to Wear, highlights the stories of nine different women from all walks of life. Before sharing these stories, however, Stacy tells us about the ups and downs of her own life and how she overcame her problems. Then we see how Stacy guides the nine women in their search for new self-images, starting in their closets. Several color photos accompany each case study.

     Cupcakes and Cashmere: a Guide for Defining Your Style, Reinventing Your Space, and Entertaining with Ease, is written by Emily Schuman, the creator of the blog Cupcakes and Cashmere. This guide is arranged by season and is packed with information relating to the topics of style, beauty, at home and food and entertaining. The text is complemented by attractive color photos.

     Wear This Now: Your Style Solution for Every Season and any Occasion is written by Michelle Madhok with Eileen Conlan. Madhok is the founder of Shefinds Media, which includes the website This book helps the reader analyze her clothes closet, shop like a pro, look fabulous in every season and dress for special occasions. Cute color illustrations abound.

     Lilly: Palm Beach, Tropical Glamour, and the Birth of a Fashion Legend combines a biography of fashion designer and icon Lilly Pulitzer with an examination of her style sense and business acumen. The book, written by Kathryn Livingston, includes a large scoop of gossip and a collection of appealing black-and-white celebrity photos.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Humor at the Library

Sometimes life can get you down. We have a solution for that: visit the library and pick out some humor books. Some of our new ones include:

I Hate Everyone . . . Starting with Me, written by comedienne Joan Rivers, is a rant against all people, no matter how worthy they may be, or how politically incorrect it is to belittle them. She goes after the dead, the elderly, the disabled, and people with annoying habits, people with good manners, and on and on. Although funny to read, the reader may find him or herself wincing at some of the jokes.
How Not to Read: Harnessing the Power of a Literature-Free Life, written by Dan Wilbur, gives tips on how to fake leading a well-read life, in order to impress others and be successful. An added bonus is the section of book jacket redesigns.
Suburgatory: Twisted Tales from Darkest Suburbiais written by Linda Erin Keenan and based on the television show by the same name. The book describes how Keenan’s life changes after she leaves her job as a CNN news producer and becomes a suburban stay-at-home mother. Her humor targets upper-middle class homeowners and parents.
The Choke Artist: Confessions of a Chronic Underachiever, is David Yoo’s autobiographical account of his failure- and fear-filled experiences from early adolescence to adulthood. Now the author of two young adult novels, Yoo enables the reader to identify with his pain and laugh along with him.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dieting the Healthy Way

Learn to control your weight the healthy way with these new diet books. They are:

     The DASH Diet for Weight Loss: Lose Weight and Keep It Off – the Healthy Way – with America’s Most Respected Diet, written by Thomas J. Moore, MD, describes the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan originally developed to lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as lower the risk of developing serious illnesses such as stroke, heart failure, colon cancer and more. Included are tips on meal planning, food tracking, exercise, and grocery shopping. Both meat-eater and vegetarian meal plans are offered; along with a brief collection of recipes.

     Eating Well, Living Better: the Grassroots Gourmet Guide to Good Health and Great Food, is written by Michael S. Fenster, MD, a cardiologist and host of a local cable TV cooking show “What’s Cookin’ with Doc”. Here is a weight loss plan, nutritious eating plan, and collection of healthy recipes all wrapped up in one book.

     Hungry for Change: Ditch the Diets, Conquer the Cravings, and Eat Your Way to Lifelong Health, by James Colquhoun and Laurentine Ten Bosch, presents confirmed methods for losing weight and preventing and reversing disease through healthy diet. Also included are several recipes, menu planners, and a three-day detox plan.

     The Lean: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss is written by Kathy Freston, a wellness expert who has appeared on several national television shows. During each day of this 30-day routine, the reader makes small, healthy diet and lifestyle changes that yield big results. A chapter containing 45 recipes, and numerous suggestions on what to eat, complete this book.