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Friday, April 12, 2013

What's New in Gardening

    Browse our gardening collection for some new ideas and some inspiration.

      The Roots of my Obsession: Thirty Great Gardeners Reveal why they Garden, edited by Thomas C. Cooper, is an inspiring collection of essays, from a wide range of gardeners both amateur and professional.

      The Layered Garden:  Design Lessons for Year-Round Beauty from Brandywine Cottage, is written by David L. Culp, the co-creator of the gardens of Brandywine Cottage in Downington, Pennsylvania. He previously worked at Longwood Gardens also. His layering technique of garden design incorporates the planting of many different species in the same area so that there always are some plants at their peaks.

     The Anxious Gardener’s Book of Answers is written by Teri Dunn Chace. Read this and find out how to fix the 100 most common gardening mistakes and then avoid them in the future. A to Z chapters, from bulbs to pests in your garden to zone matters round up all of the information a gardener can use.

      Slow Gardening: a No-Stress Philosophy for all Senses and Season, written by Felder Rushing, is a peaceful, philosophical approach to planning and growing a garden. Enjoyment of the garden is the primary goal. Information on plants and gardening techniques is also provided.

     The Complete Guide to Mid-Atlantic Gardening:  Techniques for Growing Landscape and Garden Plants in Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Eastern Massachusetts, Connecticut, Southeastern and Northwestern New York, is written by Lynn M. Steiner. Here are practical solutions for growing vegetable, fruit and ornamental gardens. Planning and preparing, maintenance and problem solving, color photos and more are included for gardens in USDA zones 5, 6 and 7.

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