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Friday, May 31, 2013

June is Men's Health Month

      It’s always the right time to improve your health and look and feel younger; here are a few books to help men meet these goals.

      Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha: a Real World Guide to an Unreal World, written by fitness experts John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein, introduces the reader to a program that will safely and naturally produce more testosterone. This increase allows you to lose weight, increase muscle size, improve sexual performance and enhance brain function.

     The Life Plan: How any Man Can Achieve Lasting Health, Great Sex, and a Stronger, Leaner Body, written by Jeffry S. Life, a medical doctor who is 70+ years-old and a prime example of the rewards to be gained when you follow this book’s program. The program’s precepts include exercise, healthy diet, nutrient supplements, and male hormone replacement; a guide to all of these is provided.

     Flat Belly Diet! For Men: Real Food, Real Men, Real Flat Abs, written by Liz Vaccariello and D. Milton Stokes, shows how diet and exercise can enable you to get rid of that gut. The diet includes plenty of fiber to fill you up and protein to boost testosterone production, and recommends the use of monounsaturated fatty acids that is thought to target belly fat. It also includes easy-to-do exercises and stress reduction techniques that contribute to building a muscular, fit physique, better health and more energy.

   The Eat-Clean Diet for Men: Your Ironclad Plan to a Lean Physique, written by Robert Kennedy and Tosca Reno, is a modification of the original Eat-Clean Diet book but designed specifically for men. Learn to follow this diet without having to count calories or exclude food groups. Instruction is given on assessing your body’s needs for improvement; lists of food beneficial in losing or gaining weight are accompanied by recipes, shopping tips, and more.

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